Simple Website for Authors
I just heard about your book. But before I buy it, I’d like to know a bit more about the book and about you.
Or, maybe I just read the book and I want to know if you’ve got anything else available for me to read. I’d also like to hear your story – about how you came to write the book.
Perhaps I’d like to contact you – would you speak to my readers group? Would you be interested in a booth at our book fair? Would you consider meeting for coffee to talk with me?
You’ve already addressed these readers and some of their needs on the cover of your book. And, you’ve probably packed a lot into that small space. Your simple website is your opportunity to expand on your book cover – and more.
Here are some examples of what you can present on a simple author website:
- Your book cover
- A synopsis of your book
- Sample chapters from your book
- Your bio and information for the media
- Opportunities to purchase your book
- Your contact information
And, anything else you’d like to say. We encourage authors to carry on a dialog with readers through a blog. Writers write – readers read – and comment. It can be a very beneficial interchange for everyone.
Simple author websites don’t take a lot of time or money to develop. We’re delighted to teach authors how to maintain their websites so they can have control over the content and make changes or additions whenever they’re moved to do so.
And, in cases when you don’t want to talk with anyone, you can just refer them all to your website for more information.