Joyce S. Kaye
More than a couple decades ago, I embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. It impacted all aspects of my life and relationships.
Since that time of commencing my conscious spiritual journey, I have endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom I meet, and all that I do – including business. I strive to be of service and to nurture the human spirit in all environments.
“In essence, spirituality is simply living with the intention to realize God in every circumstance of your being – your thoughts, emotions, words, deeds, relations, aspirations – in short, the totality of your life, right to its very end.” – John White
Due to my being a people person and a computer geek (paradoxical, but true); my eclectic educational background, career adventures, and life experience; and, that I’m following my passion and calling, I serve as a strong, clear, patient, fun channel of communication, inspiration, and coaching between individuals and business and technology.
Want to Know a Bit More?
I grew up in the Big Apple, a privilege I believe. However, I finally made my exit out of the Big City a couple decades ago, heading to the Southwest, relocating from Manhattan first to Taos, NM (not a big change — ha, ha!). I stayed there for about 7 months, then headed south to Santa Fe, where I remained for about 7 years. During my time there, I served for three years as Adjunct Faculty at Santa Fe Community College, specializing in training the senior population in Information Technology courses (Microsoft® Windows and Office, email, and the Internet).
Since 2003, I have lived in Arizona: the Phoenix area, Sedona (AKA Paradise), and Prescott.
Although I left the New York City corporate world in 1994 to pursue my Masters in Social Work degree full time, I’ve been in my own business for most of the past 19 years, inspiring and gently guiding people into the Information Age. My experience includes:
- Software training and curriculum creation
- Technical writing and editing
- Operations
- Customer service
- Business planning and analysis
- Website design and development
- Marketing – newsletters, brochures, one-sheets, presentations, social media, event planning
- Database design and development
The fields in which I’ve held roles include:
- Financial Services (American Express, Charles Schwab, MUFG Union Bank, Bank of the West)
- Healthcare (Nambé Pueblo, Presbyterian Behavioral Health, Wolters Kluewer, Cognosante)
- Information Technology/Academia (Santa Fe Community College)
- Transportation (Amtrak)
My education is varied as well:
- BA in Philosophy and Sociology, minor in Psychology (York College, CUNY)
- Graduate level business courses (Pace University)
- Master of Social Work (Fordham University)
When I’m not absorbed in my work life, I enjoy:

Colorado River-Grand Canyon
- Reading (with a focus on spirituality, New Thought, and raising my consciousness)
- Singing (Posi/Positive, sacred, kirtan)
- Naam Yoga
- Dancing (Contra, Square, Ballroom, Dances of Universal Peace)
- Whitewater rafting
- Traveling
- Movies
- Volunteerism
- Deepening relationships