Closed Doors
A lot of strange dialog and decision-making goes on behind closed doors – even if the rooms are not so smoky any more. This can certainly be true in nonprofit organizations. When what happens behind closed doors leaks out to your organization, it often takes the form of rumor and stories circulated via the grapevine.
By what method can nonprofits provide accurate information to their communities on a timely basis, thereby counteracting the flow of false information? How can truth see the light of day?
We suggest that living websites and e-newsletters provide tools for creating a culture of truth-telling. Put it out there in writing for everyone to see. Help your organization and its community get used to information in the open. Provide responses to shady stories circulating around you.
It may take awhile to develop these tools and have them adopted as part of a more open culture, but what other choice to you have? Sending your own message out through your own grapevine is a losing battle.