About Thanksgiving Day
When I was a devout atheist, the Thanksgiving holiday was mostly about food. As far as I was concerned, I – moi – was the one to thank for whatever was in my life! This was my belief into my early 30’s. But soon upon entering the rooms of recovery and having a spiritual awakening, I came to believe in a power greater than myself, and from there on my entire philosophy about life, the world, and people changed.
These days I know it is not simply myself who has made my life what it is. I have many people, events, and things to be thankful for – all stemming from Spirit. I am most grateful to have a conscious relationship with God – as I understand The Divine – so these 20+ years since my awakening each Thanksgiving has held great spiritual significance and meaning for me. In addition, I find doing service on this day feels like an extra sacred expression to Spirit of my gratitude.
This year I’m excited to finally get to be of service at an annual Thanksgiving Day dinner that one of the local Sedona civic organizations offers to the entire community gratis. I’ve been assigned to clear tables and serve beverages, and will do so most joyfully and gratefully. Then it’s off to celebrate with friends for whom I am most grateful and who contribute to making my life rich, and who also hold Spirit and gratitude in their heart on a daily basis. This would sure be a great day to be cloned so that I could be with the myriad of people for whom I am grateful!
Yep, these days I KNOW Thanksgiving Day is not just about me… and to have reached that knowledge traveling on this spiritual journey, I am most grateful.