Amazing Job Helping Me Create My New Website
I took several 1/2 day WordPress retreats with Joyce Kaye and would highly recommend working with her! She did an amazing job helping me create my new website, Climate Health and Wellness!
I loved the collaboration that took place between us because we each got creative ideas working together to really make my website exactly what I had envisioned. And, she doesn’t deal with just the technical stuff of building a site! Joyce coached me through such considerations as: who was my audience, what was the purpose of the site, how did it relate to my other work, etc. We discussed the layout of the site (“architecture”), and chose an easily customizable responsive WordPress theme. She created the header image and also made editing suggestions for the content I’d written, including explaining her philosophy of what the Home page should contain.
Joyce is a great and patient teacher, especially for me – I am not the most computer literate person around. And if you are not computer savvy, she will help you get up to speed, on the basics, or for as much as you may need, so don’t be afraid!
Katharine Stewart
Sedona, AZ