Make a Comment – It’s Easy!
Now that you’re on The Computer Spirit’s website – please leave your mark! You aren’t just a reader here, you can contribute too – we welcome that!
On the bottom of each page you’ll find a section titled “Leave a Reply.” Before you get to say anything, you have to provide your name and email address to let us know who you are and that you’re really you.
Your email address will not show up anywhere on our website and we won’t give or sell it to anyone.
You can put your website address in too. There are two reasons to provide it. First, someone may just click on it and go to your site – how cool is that? Also, because your website address appears here, it will help your site’s search engine optimization, thus moving you up the ladder of search results and helping drive additional traffic to your site. You don’t have to provide your website address if you don’t want to – if you don’t have a website of your own, you’re in the right place!
Now make a comment. Tell us what you liked or disliked about what we wrote. Provide additional information or resources that are relevant to what we’ve written. Share you ideas. Then, click on the “Post Comment” button. You’re done.
Your comment will not show up immediately. That’s because The Computer Spirit is going to get an opportunity to moderate them before they show up. We use a spam filter to help weed out a bunch of junk comments made solely to take advantage of our website to help spammers drive traffic to their own sites. We review the rest and approve everything we think may be the least bit helpful or interesting. It may take us a day or two, but it will get done because we receive an email reminder.
That’s it. It’s pretty simple for you as a reader, and pretty simple for us site administrators. You’ll probably want to add this functionality to help your own website too. If you need help with it, let us know!